Adventures of Elyria is an actual-play roleplaying game podcast in which seven mischievous warriors explore the continents of Baralt and Jocane. The above artwork was commissioned for the podcast's release on Spotify, serving as album art. The design depicts the fantasy setting's two main continents on the northern hemisphere of a globe: Jocane in the west and Baralt in the east. The geography of the two continents is reflected in the composition's patterned background, evoking the mountains of Baralt and the starry skies of Jocane. In addition to the homages to the podcast's setting, each of the seven objects encircling the central logo represents the seven protagonists. As an actual-play podcast, each of these characters are controlled by individual actors, each with their own complex backstory and motivations. While the task of reducing a character to a single trait is sisyphean, each of these items was chosen to give a little insight into each character, provided you keep tuning in to the adventure.

Hemisphere Logo Concept

Meteor-Inspired Hemisphere Logo Concept

Personal Affects Concepts

Druidic Branch Concepts

Lute Concept